Friday, December 10, 2010

SDCC - Class Championships - Round 4

Eliza inspired me to start blogging about my chess games. The idea actually never entered my mind before maybe because I have not been treating my games too seriously. Anyways, this is the very first entry in my chess blog. Round 4 game against the lovely lady Maria Murra. I have played with Maria few times before being close to be beaten. This time I won.


  1. 12. Ne6 was a nice one! The start of some real tactical flare.

  2. Thank you Matt. It took me couple minutes to see Ne6 :( I am slow

  3. You didn't make any tactical errors at all that I can see.
    18.Bc5 is the kind of move with an ! hanging around its neck, but there is a lot to be said for simply exchanging queens, as played. You're a rook up.
